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Delete this post Submitted by lv bookbag <> on 25/Dec/2021 in reply to Очень нужный сайт posted by PelageyaAlbug on 12/Sep/2020


In 1912, the luxury cruise ship "Titanic" hit an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the sea, claiming to be the worst shipwreck in the 20th century, and LV's box was one of the survivors of the Titanic. The movie "Titanic" stills, especially restore the details of passengers boarding the ship with LV suitcases. More than 100 years later, people salvaged a LV hard suitcase sleeping on the bottom of the sea for N years from the disaster area. After a hundred years of seawater erosion, the box was deformed and deformed under pressure, and there was not even a drop of seawater infiltrated into the box! The contents inside were basically undamaged. As the poignant story of the Titanic spread all over the world, LV, which was immersed in the deep sea, became famous all over the world. This incident made LV famous.

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