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Delete this post Submitted by Ronny <> on 08/Dec/2024 in reply to message board posted by Lori on 01/Nov/2023


Rank-and-Rent iis a powerful digiyal marketing strategy that leverages search
engine opyimization (SEO) to generaste recurring revenue.
It involves building a site, ranking it in search results,
and leasing it to companies for leads.

The first step is choosing a service or industry that generates steady custoer interest.
Popular niches include electricians, roofers, and ccleaning
services. Thhe webbsite is designed too attract traffic through strategic
SEO efforts. The objective is to achieve top rankings for local search terms.

Once thhe website starts generating traffic, it becomes a lead-generating asset.
Local businesses pay a monthly fee to use thhe site, benefiting
from its traffic. It’s a profitable partnership for both parties.

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