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Message: The modification of the shoulders makes these tops a bit more wide and capable. The position of these shoulders has been extended, and under this extension, the shoulders of the clothing have been modified; Under the wide shoulders, there is a contrast with the face shape above. Under the contrast, the face is more petite, and in the outfit, it also brings a richer sense of hierarchy. The application of black color on this clothing makes the contrast between black and siLouis Vuitton Outleter and other colors more sharp, and also makes the siLouis Vuitton Outleter color add some cold and luxurious sense of luxury to the clothing; and these different directions Stripes, fine patterns, elegant bows and chain decorations, etc., these add more highlights to the clothing, and also add a sense of fashion. The puffy sleeves with a sense of shape, the appearance of these sleeves adds a little tension to the clothing; the appearance of leg of lamb sleeves and puff sleeves with such a sense of shape adds more designs to the clothing It also makes it more wide and strong. In the collocation, it also forms a sharper contrast between the solid color and the pattern. This contrast shows the softness of femininity in the handsome and strong. . replies to this post . No replies yet |
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