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Delete this post Submitted by Affordable new louis vuitton shopping bag <> on 24/Oct/2024 in reply to Etsy 2023 - 2024 posted by EvelynHow on 28/Nov/2023


On the clothing, there are stitching between different fabrics and the appearance of some stripes, bright orange, etc. to add more fashion sense. In this clothing, the pattern part is spliced and matched with other solid colors or stripes, other pattern patterns, etc. During the splicing, different styles and temperaments are integrated and influenced each other; these patterns The appearance of the pattern adds more vitality, among which, it also brings a stronger contrast impact with the stitching part. In the contrast, it brings more eye-catching highlights. The clothes of these dresses are in pure colors, so that the slim silhouette has a little more modification to the body curve, and the appearance of these curves makes the lines more soft;

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