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Delete this post Submitted by real authentic jordans <> on 07/May/2022 in reply to posted by kobe byrant shoes on 30/Aug/2021


Regarding cheap nike's act of putting AJ5 STEALTH 2.0 back on the shelves, some people believe that this is a way for brands to test the subsequent impact of consumer incidents. More than 20 days after the "cotton incident" was exposed, it seemed that the brand wanted to test consumers' attitudes and behaviors by re-publishing new product information. Imagine that if consumers are not sensitive to new products, then brands may think that the impact of things has faded. However, judging from the successive complaints about new product information in stores and e-commerce companies, the impact of this incident cannot simply be diluted and resolved over time. As for the development of the incident, Xiao Er and everyone are concerned.

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