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Message: While we were driving, a girl of about 20 sat down opposite me. She was wearing a beige down jacket, a scarf around her neck, on her legs were black, shiny leather pants that tightly fit her and high-heeled boots. She had long hair down to her chest. She sat quietly and stared at her phone. Her beautiful face with southern features was illuminated by the phone. The rest of the way I could not fall asleep, as I constantly noticed her eyes on me. Surprisingly, she rode like me to the final. When the train began to approach the station, we got up and lined up at the exit. The girl was in front of me. The train stopped abruptly, because of which I flew forward and touched her ass with my palm, which turned out to be very soft and elastic. The girl did not react to this. Apparently this happens to her all the time. When people started to leave, someone pushed me and I fell straight to the ground, catching her with me, she only managed to turn around and see how I was falling on her. My hand accidentally touched her crotch in front. I came across something hard and protruding, squeezing a little, I found that it was something of some strange shape. Standing up abruptly, I apologized and helped her up. There was surprise on her face, as if I had discovered her secret. When she got up she said to me: . replies to this post . No replies yet |
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